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Repro-Bloc Vaccine Technology

GnRH has long been recognized as a key hormonal target for sterilization in animals (Arimura et al., 1973) Immunoneutralization of GnRH suppresses LH and FSH inhibit testis development and spermatogenesis and has been proposed as an alternative to traditional castration methods in cattle. Biological response to GnRH immunization has been characterized, and it has been determined that animals respond similarly to both surgical and immunological castration.

Based on the results of numerous completed and ongoing studies, Amplicon Vaccine, LLC, has worked to bring the Repro-Bloc GnRH vaccine to market as a cost effective and humane alternative to castration in cattle and other animals.

In designing Repro-Bloc , a series of GnRH genes are cloned into Ovalbumin carrier gene which is held in an E. coli based expression vector. This construct is expressed as a fusion protein, isolated and purified. The purified protein is added to an emulsifying agent, oil, dead mycobacterium butyricum and a urea + phosphate buffer. The vaccine is injected subcutaneous into animals to cause an immune response against GnRH. Antibodies to the GnRH fusion protein remove naturally occurring GnRH from the animal and prevent FSH/LH release.

There are a variety of market opportunities for Repro-Bloc: heifers in USA, bulls in Brazil, lambs in Middle East, swine in China and feral (wild) dogs/cats in various countries. Utilization in food chain animals will require government approval. Amplicon is currently seeking to sublicense the technology to a firm capable of bringing the vaccine to market in food chain animals. The vaccine could be quickly introduced into non-food chain animals (dogs/cats), generating income in the very near future. Completed studies which are NOT discussed in our available PowerPoint presentation: mouse, swine, dogs, cats, lamb, caribou and several smaller sized cattle studies. Other data NOT discussed in the PowerPoint presentation include antibody data from various studies, dosage studies, non-responder studies, and long-term mouse studies for addressing reversibility. Data from all these studies are available to interested firms (MCA required).

All intellectual property associated with Repro-Bloc is exclusively licensed to Amplicon Vaccine, LLC, (willing to sublicense on exclusive basis), and interested firms should contact Robert Bogden at 1-509-332-8080 ext. 24.

Request your free informational packet and CD regarding regarding opportunities associated with this vaccine.

Patents and Intellectual Property

  • U.S. Patent No. 6,013,770, "Chimeric Contraceptive Vaccines," Jerry J. Reeves, Kevin P. Bertrand, and Yuzhi Zhang, issued January 11, 2000 (WSURF #363)
  • U.S. Patent No. 6,045,799, "Chimeric Contraceptive Vaccines," Jerry J. Reeves, Kevin P. Bertrand, and Yuzhi Zhang, issued April 4, 2000 (WSURF #363)
  • U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 09/524,974, "Chimeric Contraceptive Vaccines," Jerry J. Reeves, Kevin P. Bertrand, and Yuzhi Zhang, filed March 14, 2000 (WSURF #363; this is a continuation application)

Contact Us:

By Email: By Phone:
  • 1-509-332-8080
  • Hours: 9am - 5pm PST, Mon-Fri
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Amplicon Vaccine, LLC
2345 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163 USA

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