The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution
The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution May 30 2012
The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution May 30 2012
Mohamed Fouad Bouzidi · Jérôme Franchel Quanzhou Tao · Keith Stormo · A. Mraz Paul Nicolas · Saïd Mouzeyar Sunflower BAC Paper April 27 2006
Tao · A. Wang · H.-B. Zhang Rice BAC Paper August 22 2002
Stanislav Volik, Shaying Zhao, Koei Chin, John H. Brebner, David R. Herndon, Quanzhou Tao, David Kowbel, Guiqing Huang, Anna Lapuk, Wen-Lin Kuo, Gregg Magrane, Pieter de Jongi, Joe W. Grayi, and Colin Collins PNAS Paper BAC End Profiling Feb 23 2003
Riccardo Velasco, Andrey Zharkikh., Michela Troggio., Dustin A. Cartwright, Alessandro Cestaro, Dmitry Pruss, Massimo Pindo, Lisa M. FitzGerald, Silvia Vezzulli, Julia Reid, Giulia Malacarne, Diana Iliev, Giuseppina Coppola, Bryan Wardell, Diego Micheletti, Teresita Macalma, Marco Facci, Jeff T. Mitchell, Michele Perazzolli, Glenn … Continued
Benjamin J Raphael., Stanislav Volik., Peng Yu, Chunxiao Wu, Guiqing Huang, Elena V Linardopoulou, Barbara J Trask, Frederic Waldman†, Joseph Costello, Kenneth J Pienta, Gordon B Mills, Krystyna Bajsarowicz, Yasuko Kobayashi†, Shivaranjani Sridharan†, Pamela L Paris†, Quanzhou Tao, Sarah J Aerni, Raymond P Brown, Ali … Continued
Yoshio Miki, Jeff Swensen, Donna Shattuck-Eidens, P. Andrew Futreal, Keith Harshman, Sean Tavtigian, Qingyun Liu, Charles Cochran, L. Michelle Bennett, Wei Ding, Russell Bell, Judith Rosenthal, Charles Hussey, Thanh Tran, Melody McClure, Cheryl Frye, Tom Hattier, Robert Phelps, Astrid Haugen-Strano, Harold Katcher, Kazuko Yakumo, Zahra … Continued
Nicolas Sierro, Jan van Oeveren, Michiel J. T. van Eijk, Florian Martin, Keith E. Stormo, Manuel C. Peitsch and Nikolai V. Ivanov 2013_Plant Journal_WGP 9 May 2013
Romain Philippe, Frederic Choulet, Etienne Paux, Jan van Oeveren, Jifeng Tang, Alexander HJ Wittenberg, Antoine Janssen, Michiel JT van Eijk, Keith Stormo, Adriana Alberti, Patrick Wincker, Eduard Akhunov, Edwin van der Vossen, Catherine Feuillet View PDF Jan 20, 2012
Amplicon Express is a producer of high-quality molecular biology products and services. Our team of scientists has created more than 1,400 BAC libraries for researchers in 65 countries and produced more than 50 million clones. As an employee owned company … Continued